Sunday 6 September 2015

Whatever happened to Emily part one

"Oh Emily," Mrs Smith sang from down the hall.
No reply. She tried again 
"Emily,  Mummy's home," Mrs Smith, called again, less cheery this time.
More silence. She tried for the third time.
"Emily, you must talked to me, I'm really starting to worry," Her voice was panicky now.
Mrs Smith ran down the hall to Emily's room, beads of sweat dripping down her forehead. The room was empty. Mrs Smith then ran out of the house, yelling to anyone that would listen.
"She's gone, she's gone, my Emily's gone."
The neighbors peeked out of their windows, speaking just for the sake of comforting her.
"Oh, I'm truly sorry but I haven't seen her anywhere."
"She's gone, oh no, I promise I'll look for her."
"Are you sure she's gone because no-ones seen her,she can't just disappear."
By now Mrs Smith was rolling on the concrete, bawling her eyes out.
"She didn't even say goodbye," she sobbed.

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