Wednesday 2 July 2014

The Stool of Disasters ------- The Seat Series

Me and my best friend stared at ugly stool that lay in front of us. It was wrapped around in a glowing aura as if it were more special than we were. A horrible smell wafted around the room. The stench was so bad it made us faint. My friend stepped back then yelled "you horrible fool" at me. Why? Why could she could she do this to me? Tears poured out of my eyes. "Sorry it wasn't directed at you" my friend called but I wasn't listening my mind was being controlled. Suddenly my body shifted to the place where the stool stood and sat on the cold seat. All of a sudden fears poured out from the magic locked within. Giant spiders, menacing murderers, dreaded monsters, horrible world storms and worst of all death and torture. The stools arms appeared from the ground flailing and strangling me to my weakest point. All the disasters in the world then exploded on me disaster after disaster until I could bear it no longer and my body stopped working.

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