Tuesday, 23 September 2014

The ocean 100 word challenge

I stepped onto the soft, warm, beige coloured sand. I looked back,
“Pepper ,” I called.
“Coming” she replied, her eyelids drooping.
I ran into the water and drips of icy water splashed my feet. I lay back let the gentle breeze washed over me. The burnt orange sun providing warmth spread across my face and my pale cheeks flushed red. I glanced across to the small island that lay ahead, a crocodile shape was moving towards me.
“Now that’s strange” I thought.
I looked up at the forget-me-not blue sky that was slowly turning grey, a shadow spread across my face and the world disappeared.

1 comment:

  1. Hi!
    Please link the POST not your blog to the link on 100wc.net. Team members can't find it if you do a lot of blogging. Can you check your spam please? It would be really helpful if you could add 'Name' to the options in your drop down menu for comments. A team member left this comment but it disappeared:

    Violet, what a great piece of description you have written. The fact that you used some of the given words as adjectives and a proper noun is a great idea, original. It was really helpful that you highlighted the words, but writing in black did make it tricky for me to read. Do re-read your work to ensure you keep to one verb tense in this type of writing. I think your idea to change the weather to help show something bad was going to happen was another good idea.
    Well done. Mrs C (Team 100)

    Thanks Mrs Skinner (Team 100)
