Tuesday, 8 September 2015
What do you want from me? It's diabolical your scheme. Why do you conspire? Is it to chortle at my misery? I'm sorry if I'm ignominious it's a habit to aggravate. Your resenting my presence, but why do you lie? It's your betrayal, I'm frustrated at you, but then why am I concealed by serenity. Why is it a dilemma this voyage, this futuristic excursion? Is it a criticism you speak? A cursed sentence? Your aerial, so far away, we can't be together but why then do I love you? I'm decrepit, lost, I'll die soon, just sit me in a bed and death will take me. I'll give you my affluence, everything, I just want you to be happy. I love you. I love you. I love you...
Monday, 7 September 2015
08 June 1924
Dear Diary
Someones watching me, I can practically feel their beady eyes stabbing at my back. Is something wrong with me? Am I hallucinating? Am I not really being stalked. What am I doing, you can't talk, but I really wished you could because then you could tell me whats going on right now. I got this note at school today reading;
I wish I knew who it was from though, it's really creeping me out. It was just an ordinary day at school today, I was walking through the never-ending corridor out into my Astronomy classroom, I was just about to sit down when someone handed me this note. I didn't see his/her face, though I know it was from them for their cheeks flashed crimson. I went back to my dormitory and studied the note, asking my room-mate Abigail if she recognized the hand-writing, unfortunately, she hadn't. For the rest of my class I felt so isolated, and everyone felt strangely indifferent to my silence. I didn't answer all the questions like I usually do and the teacher was stunned when I didn't remind him for homework. Is it strange that I'm so entranced by this note, is this normal. Hold on, someones just entered my dorm, she's covered by a cloak so her identity is oblivious. Oh no, she's getting closer, closer, closer. She's bringing something out of her pocket and...
Sunday, 6 September 2015
Whatever Happened To Emily part two
Emily stirred, her sight a haze of colors and shapes.
"Where am I," she whispered.
An oblivious figure towered over her.
"You are neither here nor there'" he answered impassively.
"I want my mum you blundering creep," Emily yelled.
"Your time has come to leave, you are special, therefore you must now learn the mysteries of Olympia." He said placidly.
"Olympia?" Emily questioned.
"Your hometown," he said, smiling.
"Now come child, you're kin are waiting for you in the garden, they will be happy the queen has returned, now we can fight back what we once lost, follow me."
Emily followed him outside, took one look at the gardens and gasped. It was beautiful, the fountains elegantly falling into the stone that holds them, the pearly statues shining from the blissful glowing sun, the mystique unicorns elegantly galloping on the soft, florescent green grass.
"Wait, I own this place," Emily said with awe.
"Yes, this is all yours, but run it wisely, for darkness is hidden down in the forest and it will escape it's bindings and entwine around the fibers of your life if you fill your soul with greed." He said with fear.
But, unfortunately, at this point Emily had started running along the long gravel path leading straight to the dark forest. She found a gate, darkness hidden inside. The town shook twice, and suddenly darkness was released and it fled through the town.
"Now come child, you're kin are waiting for you in the garden, they will be happy the queen has returned, now we can fight back what we once lost, follow me."
Emily followed him outside, took one look at the gardens and gasped. It was beautiful, the fountains elegantly falling into the stone that holds them, the pearly statues shining from the blissful glowing sun, the mystique unicorns elegantly galloping on the soft, florescent green grass.
"Wait, I own this place," Emily said with awe.
"Yes, this is all yours, but run it wisely, for darkness is hidden down in the forest and it will escape it's bindings and entwine around the fibers of your life if you fill your soul with greed." He said with fear.
But, unfortunately, at this point Emily had started running along the long gravel path leading straight to the dark forest. She found a gate, darkness hidden inside. The town shook twice, and suddenly darkness was released and it fled through the town.
Whatever happened to Emily part one
"Oh Emily," Mrs Smith sang from down the hall.
No reply. She tried again
"Emily, Mummy's home," Mrs Smith, called again, less cheery this time.
More silence. She tried for the third time.
"Emily, you must talked to me, I'm really starting to worry," Her voice was panicky now.
Mrs Smith ran down the hall to Emily's room, beads of sweat dripping down her forehead. The room was empty. Mrs Smith then ran out of the house, yelling to anyone that would listen.
"She's gone, she's gone, my Emily's gone."
The neighbors peeked out of their windows, speaking just for the sake of comforting her.
"Oh, I'm truly sorry but I haven't seen her anywhere."
"She's gone, oh no, I promise I'll look for her."
"Are you sure she's gone because no-ones seen her,she can't just disappear."
By now Mrs Smith was rolling on the concrete, bawling her eyes out.
"She didn't even say goodbye," she sobbed.
The exterminator
Did you think by running you could escape me? Oh no child, you haven't faced the wrath of me and even though you might not be within my grasp I will find you and your fate will be even worse. When the sun fades and the moon rises I will be there, and you'll have to watch the earth ebb away as your loved ones will fall and you'll be helpless, begging for me to let you die with them, for the agony to be wiped away with death. You expect me to be that charitable dear? Oh no, you will pay for what you've done and misery will be embedded in your soul for the centuries you owe me. Conspire against me all you might , but you can't hide, I will win in the end. Take a look in my mind and you will see, a life full of heinous misery. Dwell, my dear, prepare your weapons, I will always be ready and I will defeat you, for I am the exterminator.
Monday, 31 August 2015
Once upon a time
Have you ever told someone you wanted to die, that you hated your life and didn't think you had a place in this world. Grief, agony and torment, the words that make up earth. Love, optimism and euphoria are the opposite of life. Earth is horrific never enter it, it will eat you up like chemicals and water. Earth is heinous, life is atrocious, everything's mean. A cacophony of voices, a criticism with you for life. Let it go, be free, be flamboyant, be courageous. It's an achievement to be alive, accelerate with what you have, what's the meaning of life if you can't live it. But let me tell you one thing, it's important, so listen, never enter earth, you will regret it deeply. Forget I said this, I just know you will conspire. Just sit down and get comfortable, for this tale is long. It's bizarre my story, but it must be told. Listen close, my dear, to a story of woe. Once upon a time....
Wednesday, 1 July 2015
The fate of the earth
Sunday, 28 June 2015
The soft whispers cloud my mind, their thoughts my thoughts, their sight my sight. Whatever they feel I feel. I've been unable to feel ever since I ventured through that ominous forest, young, innocent and careless. I've tried to repress their feeling, it didn't work, nothing seems to work for me nowadays. I slope off towards home, their whispers luring me into a seemingly fatal trap- my home, completely safe and sound for me, but not for them. My home's now a torture home, the pain they felt when they first entered my home has now been shifted into me. We arrived, we meaning myself and, well, them. The electricity crawled up my spine the moment I entered the room, inflicting my soul with darkness. My back arched and I screamed, screamed till I was numb and seemingly immune from the pain I was feeling, screamed till the darkness finally left me sprawled on the floor, unconscious, my mind eternally scared from the agony felt a split second ago, and now, the disembodied voices wait, wait to see if I was going to die from this final stroke of torment.
Tuesday, 17 March 2015
I strolled along the hard ground and sharp rocks, the waves lapping so close yet so far away. The chilling breeze felt like ice yet inside I was so warm. The beauty itself was the chilling thing, with the ominous waves and the icy silence. I kept walking then broke into a run. I leaped inside my house when I finally reached it and found two kittens lapping milk as delicately as the waves lapped at the beach. They shouldn't be here, something was not right. I stepped off the porch and into obscurity, everything breaking away before my eyes. As suddenly as it started everything came back, joining together like puzzle pieces, but something was different, it should be morning but now it's sunset and I looked up at two trees I had never seen before in my life. The trees swayed tortuously in the heavy breeze, dangerously crashing onto the ground and breaking the rubble. I'd been an imbecile, what was I thinking, was I dreaming? Nothing was real, everything was unknown. A torn down building appeared out of the blue, wood tearing off the structure. I was led out of curiosity down a mysterious alleyway, even more ominous than anything else I'd seen today. It terrified me, What was this? Surely, no it couldn't be, it couldn't end this way. I fell, closed my eyes then my heart stopped beating.
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